Remembering Romero
On Saturday, May 23, the martyred Archbishop Oscar Romero will be beatified, 35 years after he was assasinated while celebrating Mass in the modest chapel of Divine Providence Hospital in San Salvador. Here we offer some pictures from his life and from the city and people that he loved.

A large canvas depicting Archbishop Oscar Romero hangs on facade of National Theater in San Salvador.

Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador is seen in an undated photo working in an improvised radio studio in the Salvadoran capital.

Thousands gather outside the Metropolitan Cathedral in San Salvador March 30, 1980, as the casket of Archbishop Romero is carried inside for a funeral Mass.

Violence erupts during funeral of Archbishop Romero, March 30, 1980.

People hold up images of Archbishop Romero during outdoor Mass to mark 35th anniversary of his death, March 24, 2014.

A woman sells memorabilia of Archbishop Oscar Romero in San Salvador.

A mural of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero is seen in 2012 at the Columban Mission Center in El Paso, Texas.

People sit in the pews in the chapel of Divine Providence Hospital in San Salvador May 21, two days before the beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was shot by unidentified gunmen as he celebrated Mass in the hospital chapel March 24, 1980.

A man prays next to tomb of Archbishop Oscar Romero at cathedral in San Salvador.